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Sunday Talk: Rowley on the Close of the Iowa Senate Session

The Iowa Senate passed resolution SCR 101 (Sine Die) and recessed at 3:30AM Saturday morning on April 20, 2024. After a full week of debate the Senate concluded the 2024 session of Iowa’s 90th General Assembly. Some highlights this session:

The AEA/teacher pay bill was a focal point during this session. For over two years the US Department of Education has designated Iowa education as “needing assistance.” This drew attention from all stakeholders preferring to address the current system to make needed improvements here in Iowa rather than the federal government coming in to make their changes. The bill (now law) addresses the discrepancies in Iowa’s system by putting oversight back where it belongs with the Iowa Department of Education. It allows local districts who are closer to the students to have more discretion in how services are provided.

The bill allows school districts to control some of the funding that goes through the AEA system. Schools will still pay 90% of the funds they receive to their AEA and retain the remaining 10%. For General Education school districts will retain 60% of available funding the first year and 100% the second year. Education and media services are totally funded by local property taxes. This law allows the school district to have discretion on how those dollars are spent, and if the school is satisfied with AEA services the school can continue to send 100% of the General Education dollars to the AEA. These are just a couple of the highlights of the law.

Some people believe this legislation “cut” $32.5M out of the AEA budget and I’d like to bring some detail to that claim. Each year there is an ongoing statutory reduction to the AEA budget of $7.5 million. It is an annual reduction so this bill had no effect on that. An additional $10M is being re-allocated to the Department of Education. This amount is specifically for special education since the AEA no longer has the responsibility of oversight. The bill also appropriates an additional $14 million for paraeducators. Paraeducators are the frontline people who work closely with students on site, and on a daily basis. These dollars will go to supporting the hiring and retention of paraeducators in our schools. These three items make up the $32.5 million. It should be noted at the end of 2024 the AEAs self-reported a beginning fund balance of $77 million. I believe HF 2612 provides a great opportunity by continuing our support for our AEAs and improving upon collaboration through our local school districts.

In the interest of space here just a few of the other bills that passed:

  • HF 2612 – Teacher Pay: Raises the minimum starting salary from $33,500 to $47,500 ($50,000 next year). This increase now ranks Iowa as the 5th highest for teachers salaries in the nation. Average is estimated at $68,000.
  • HF 2442 – Tax Reform: Reducing the state income tax to a flat tax rate of 3.8% (effective 2025).
  • HF 2586 – Professional Permits for School Staff: Allows an option for a school employee to carry a weapon for security purposes. Strict requirements must be met for training, on-going training, and only if the individual meets qualifications. Oversight is provided through the Iowa Department of Public Safety.

If there is a bill that you have interest in please let me know.  My information is below.

The best way to contact me is email at [email protected] or by cell (712) 330-5596.  Have a great week!

Senator Dave Rowley, District 5
Serving: Clay (Partial), Dickinson, Emmet, Palo Alto, Kossuth and Winnebago


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