
North Iowa Outdoors: Harms to Talk About Iowa Marsh Birds

Tyler Harms, a Titonka native and wildlife researcher, will be giving a presentation titled, “Revealing the Secret Lives of Iowa Marsh Birds” at the Titonka Public Library on October 14th at 6PM.  Harms earned his PhD in Wildlife Ecology from Iowa State and currently works for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources as a Wildlife Biometrician.  His role at the DNR involves high level data analysis.  Harms’s combination of math skills and ecological knowledge allows him to make important contributions to the field of conservation. While his expertise involves many types of vertebrates, his main passion has always been birds.  He parlayed this interest into leading Iowa Young Birders, an organization that educates the youth on the joys of bird watching.  For the library presentation, he will focus on a portion of his research that was published in Wetlands, which is the journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists.  Harms grew up in Kossuth County and brings a detailed knowledge of the marsh birds that are in our midst.  Join us for an enjoyable evening of discovery.  The event is free and open to the public.


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