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Forest City Council Discusses Tenants Issues at Greenfield Estates

During a reports session of a Forest City Council meeting, the council was once again apprised of tenant issues at Greenfield Estates. The mobile home court situated near Winnebago Industries and Waldorf University is seeing a number of issues according to Councilman Tony Mikes. He cited a complaint he had received representing residents there.

Forest City Mayor Ron Holland has heard of similar situations.

Some of the homes are abandoned where heat and water have been turned off. Holland echoed similar feelings among some council members.

Mikes is concerned for the residents who live there and issues that have been presented to him and the city.

Mayor Holland echoed what he and the city officials have been hearing and he has genuine concerns for Forest City residents who live there.

Councilmembers agreed that the city should explore what options were available to try and, in their words, take action and improve the situation.









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