Meetings & AgendasNewsWright

Wright County Board of Supervisors Meeting 2/26/24 (LIVE)

The Supervisor meeting will be held on Zoom Web/teleconference and in person:
The meeting may be viewed online at:

The Wright County Board of Supervisors will meet on Monday beginning at 9am. You can view the meeting live by clicking the highlighted link above.

The proposed agenda is as follows:

1. Convene meeting at 9:00 a.m.
2. Approve tentative agenda.
3. Approve minutes of last meeting.
4. Approve claims for payment.
5. Open forum for public input.
6. Appoint Mark Grundmeier as the Pleasant Township Trustee replacing Ron Jurgens with
a term to expire 12/31/2024.
7. Adam Clemons, Wright County Engineer.
a. Secondary Roads update
8. Old Business.
9. New Business.
10. Update on meetings.


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