
Food Bank Benefits from Local Farmers

Farmers saw a larger crop than they expected this year and because of it, area food banks will reap the benefits. The USDA is predicting the average corn yield in Iowa this year will be 202 bushels an acre. That’s just a couple of bushels short of last year’s record.

Locally, farmers were able to donate corn and soybeans to the Forest City Farmers Coop which in turn will be used to buy food to stock the area food banks. Coop Director Randy Broesder explained that the donation is sizable this year.

Statewide, food banks are getting more use as food insecurity rises due to higher gas and shipping prices. There has been over a 20% increase statewide in visits to these food banks which now are looking for additional monetary resources to purchase food at a discount. Locally, Broesder explained that there are a number of farmers who helped out.

This kind of charitable work is not new to the Farmers Coop in Forest City. According to Broesder, with the state of the economy as it is, now was a perfect time to put the donation program in motion.

The Farmers Coop will hold a formal ceremony next week to officially donate the money raised.




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